The best quality, real fur can be found very rarely. It is more valuable than many gems. Most of the furs sold as 'sable' are actually another type called 'marten', closely akin to sable Marten is American, however origin of the real sable is Russia and sable quality cannot be compared with marten. Therefore, if you decide to spend a fortune for a sable fur, you better consult a fur specialist to own a real Russian sable and you should buy it from a very reliable furrier. Actually, only very few fortunate wealthy people have best quality original sable furs in the world and wearing a sable is just a dream for most of the women as a real sable with a noble beauty may cost up to 300 thousand dollars! But a marten fur may somewhat satisfy some.
Sable is the pure luxury. It is a very light weighted fur type with an unbelievably silky touch. The color range of sable is quite wide. There are yellowish brown, dark brown, grayish and black sables. Sometimes, the throat part of the sable has a white or silvery patch. The golden look bright yellowish sable is beautiful. A brown sable with a blue cast or a sable with silvery guard hairs have fantastic look. But the black sable is charming. It shines like a 'black diamond'. The darkest color is the most valuable one. The darkest sable fur is taken in winter and its hair is denser and longer. Each sable has different features, their hair density, thickness and the quality of touch varies from one fur to another as well as their colors and shades. This makes each sable garment a unique piece.

Fur For You is dedicated to distinctive women having a style. Explore the magical touch of mink fur,fox fur, sable fur and others. Your [http://www.fur.me.uk]fur style guide is here to help you select your fur clothing.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-King-of-Furs---Sable&id=1647017] The King of Furs - Sable